Breastfeeding is never just breastfeeding.

Its never just putting baby on your boob and having them eat. It can affect what you eat and drink, what you wear, how you sleep, how you’re intimate with your partner, what medicines you take, how you ride out hormone fluctuations, how you bond with your child, your future health, how you parent, how you feel about how your body works or doesn’t work, how you think about and how you express your gender, how you feel you fit in to certain social circles, how you and your partner interact, how often your kiddo gets sick, even your finances! Breastfeeding is a complex endeavor, and it can feel complex. And that’s ok!

We see lots of things in our work that we know are normal but have yet to be normalized, and this can be distressing or confusing to parents.

We want to empower you. To make you laugh. To inform you. To normalize the normal. To make you feel seen, however youre feeding journey is going. 

Also, a podcast is just a fun excuse for us to hang out together.

RESOURCES for finding breastfeeding help:

(not finding what you’re looking for here? message us and we’ll dig further for you!) — THE BEST educational videos for latching, positioning, sore nip and breast tips — excellent, evidence-based information —guiding protocols for various situations — need lactation help from an MD with IBCLC credentials as well? Here you go.
